Tuesday, December 3, 2013

We're excited to announce a new transmedia* project: 

The Songs of Dyson Burnette

Our project is a an album of original songs written by the hero of our latest novel, Stations of the Cross. Dyson Burnette, Rock Hall of Fame inductee, ends up in Mexico, where he tries to revive his career by finishing a 40-year-old song, "Stations of the Cross."

Not to give too much away from the book, but he does! And here's current NYC-based singer-songwriter Josh Elkes singing the book's title tune, "Stations of the Cross."

We also have Elkes singing a much shorter, very catchy Dyson tune: "Avalon." (You might want to check this one out first.)

We're working on a full album of Dyson Burnette tunes, performed by strong, up-and-coming performers. Check back to www.coralpress.com for more news and sign up for our newsletter.

*What's transmedia? Seems to be "multiplatform storytelling." Indeed, Variety calls it the "current buzzword" while talking about Inside Llewyn Davis, referring to the mix of movie, music album, concerts—a whole gamut of media around one creative work. Here's a NY Film Festival talk on it: 

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